Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Missing Momma

I called Kennedy twice every day while I was gone.
She cried most the time and kept asking when she was going to come to me.
I bought her a ton of presents just to make me feel better ha!
When it was time for me to go she was so busy playing with Kennedy I almost had to force her to give me a hug and kiss goodbye.
That's ok though. Its much easier that way then her crying.

I got home and she didn't want to leave Grandmas house.
So much for wanting to see mom!
We didn't even make it to our house (6 blocks away)
and she was out!
Kennedy likes to sit and look through pictures with me so I promised her I would take a bunch for her.
We were looking through the ones from the trip and she said to me

"Mom, I wish there was a spot for me on the back of your bike. You know I did get a little bit bigger when you were gone. I grew this much (she holds her hands a few inches apart) so now mommy am I big enough to ride on your bike??"

The next day I was organizing some of the pictures into files and she saw the one of everyone around the table.
She was laying on my chest sobbing as I held her as she was saying
"I wish there was room for me at that table there but you guys are sitting in all the chairs and there isn't a chair for me"

I think peanut missed me a little bit!!

She also got a haircut this weekend.
I was gone not even a full 24 hrs and I get a text from Liz.
Kennedy and Kinlie had gone into the bathroom and were horses trimming each others manes.
Kennedy trimmed a little hair of Kinlie and Kinlie trimmed a few different spots on Kennedy..
Thankfully you cant tell if its in a pony tail.

She also told me bout her adventures.
She said
 "mom you know that bathtub on grandmas porch that gets hot (hot tub) Kinlie and I were on the cover on top of it.
We were puppies and drinking the water that was on it.
But then we threw it up in the rocks because it made out mouths dirty"

Yeah Liz walked outside and they were drinking nasty water off the hot tub cover, holding it into their mouths, and spitting it into the rocks.
She made them come inside and it pissed them off.
Kennedy told me
"Liz lied to us! She lied to her daughter Kinlie and me. I asked her if we could go outside and she said no!?
Can you believe that!?
So I asked her again and she said what did I just tell you!
She lied to us"

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