Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 121

Went to my parents house to get some shooting in
Mom and I are going to a shoot in Idaho this weekend and I really need some practice
When I pulled in the driveway Elysha, Liz and Dane were there
Kennedy hopped right out and started playing with Parker
Dane was working on a taxidermy hide so I grabbed a lawn chair next to Elysha and watched for a while
We bs'd and I molested her belly
She wanted to take the 80 out to go play so I got it started and warmed up for her
She was excited because this was baby no names first ride

I played around some at 20 yards
I havent shot for a while and as you can tell I need some practice!!
It didnt help either that we kept having wind gusts

This was my group at 30 yards
Lets hope I can get a few more days of practice in before Saturday!!

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