Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 127- Drums and Dude looks like a Lady

This last month or so Kennedys been pretty obsessed with drums
She walked up behind me one day slapping my butt going
"drum drum drum (slapped my back) cymbal (back to the butt) drum drum drum"
She has been drumming on everthing
Toilet seat, couch, bodies, 
I got her out of the shower and she was drumming the toilet with her sticks
I had enough lol! I sent her into her room to play while I finished drying my hair and for her to wait for me to do hers
She set up drums with book and her helmet shield is the cymbal

So we took Kennedy to school
Mom and Liz stopped at my house and we all headed up to LazyOne outlet in Logan
They had never been there before and wanted to go
When we were on the way back ( I was driving) I saw this person off to the side of the road walking
It was in a skirt and had long hair in braids
I swear it had a beard!!
They all laughed and said no way!
Mom said flip around lets see.. so I did
Liz didnt believe me and was laughing at me
I said watch and see.. I know it had facial hair and a dress!
We found the person a ways down the road behind a business
Liz swore it was just a girl and I was imagining things that the hair was from the braid not on the face
I was so sure I said watch and see as I drove past the person
It just happened to come up next to our car and stand as we were waiting to pull back out onto main street
Mom and Liz started laughing
It did have a goatee and scruffy sides..long dress.. hair in braids.. pink undershirt..flats with bows on them.. and an Obama shirt
Mom and Liz started snapping pictures and couldnt believe it

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