Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 166-Elyshas Shower

Saturday afternoon we threw Elysha a baby shower
Me, Lysha lou and Liz with baby Macee
Gotta love our family

Chris was so sweet that day
I worked til 4am that morning
He threatened everyone they werent allowed to text me before 10 am
AND he got things done I needed to and took them over to Elyshas before I got up
then he INSISTED on taking Parker Kennedy and Kinlie to a Ducks Unlimited Greenwing lunch in at the Bear River Bird Refuge
He came to Elyshas, picked up all the kids and left
They had a picnic outside
Parker didnt want to sit with everyone
Then when they came back they all had won camping chairs, posters, duck calls, hats and all kinds of stuff!

Klint stayed at the house with us
He was far more entertained with Parkers cowboy boots

Elysha wanted a low key shower
Just an open house
No games
Food and fun
So thats what we did!
There were so many little kids and babies there!
It was great
This is our friend Kelsey's little girl Hadlee
She is almost 6 months and is such a chunk
All she did the entire time was smile and laugh no matter who was holding her
Miss Rybug is a full fledged walker now!
She got some super super cute clothes!

Most the kids there were all the same age
We kept the little ones inside and turned the bigger ones loose outside in the bounce house and to have a picnic
I got to hold this little one month old
She snuggled right up and fell asleep
So sweet
The one 'game' we did was the midnight diaper change
Where you write something smart alec or inspirational or full of advice on the diapers and then use them for the late night changes and see which ones you pull out
I would say Elysha made a pretty good haul of PINK for the shower!
She had her nursery all decorated up too so everyone could see it
Its so adorable!!!
I love it
Cant wait to meet baby Macee soon!

1 comment:

The Triplett Family said...

Fun! Love the late night diaper change idea, never heard of that one before. Love grandma's mirror in Macee's room too, looks perfect!