Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day one of the shoot

Saturday morning bright and early..
Like 6am Nevada time.. 5 am Utah time we headed up to the Ruby Mountains outside of Elko for the shoot
This was Chris and I's first time
Mom, Dad, Todd and Jana are season veterans here
We drove up to a beautiful canyon for the shoot
I never knew Nevada could be so pretty
The practice range
Registration, raffle and breakfast area

We registered, put on all our gear and headed out to shoot

Mom painted her fingernails to match her bow
So just as a little briefer.. this is an example of a target
There is a TINY inside ring =12 points
Smaller outter ring around the 12pt ring = 10 points
Outter circle around that =8 pts
Thin line around the insert and anywhere on the body =5pts
Each target has the same rings on it.. just in different places,, different sizes etc
The targets can be anywhere from 2-50 yards out 
The animals arent just standing broadside.. some are angled so that cuts the ability to hit the rings in half..some are turned away..some are partially obstructed by rocks, trees, weeds etc
Me and the hubs
This being my first non bowmen kinda big shoot I was a little nervous but way excited!
The first day we all got to shoot together in a group
The yardages are not marked so you have to guess
You have to stand at a marked spot, decide where the rings are on the animals (you can use binoculars but no rangefinders) and shoot hoping you are close
We all wore our Be a Girl shirts to look like a team and show some Brigham Bowmen support
Everyone called us the PINK team and it really made us stand out!!


There are 40 targets on this course
some high, some steep,some drastically downhill, some on level ground
Jana and Mom doing scores

Dads watching moms shot

If you look really close you can see the target just over 40 yards away.. you had to shoot through the tree.. 

Alligator on the riverbank
Todd standing up on a rock to shoot it

Shooting two fish on the bottom of the bank
I shot the fletching off moms arrow

Our one and only group picture with all of us!

hiking down to the targets

Theres actually a target in this picture can you see it!?
You miss it and you destroy your arrow on the rock

There are actually TWO targets on this steep hillside.. see them!?

After we finished shooting and hiking our 40 targets we handed in our scores
We put up the canopy and grilled up some brats for lunch

We bs'd for a while with two archers from Idaho 
Shared some lunch with them

After our long sunburned, hot, dusty, sunny day we headed to a store or two, went to the hotel to clean up and go to dinner
My dad loves this chinese place there 
The food was pretty good
We ate til we couldnt breathe
Then headed over to the Stockmens casino just to say we had been there
None of us did very well there at all!!!

We went back to our hotel
I wanted some couples shots!
Mom and Dad
Me and Chris
Todd and Jana
We all crashed early and went to bed
We were freaking beat!

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