Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 81-

On the way to work today two things important happened
#1 my car hit 99,999 miles
I cant take credit for all the miles.. it had 55,000 when I bought it 4 years ago
BUT this is the first car I've ever rolled over to that.. 
#2 important thing
My car hit 100,000 miles
At work today the new ARFF (airport rescue and firefighting) truck showed up!
Its Ogden Citys NEW baby
Its freakin awesome!
The Batallion Chief let all the dispatchers who wanted to come down and go through the truck
This truck is stationed at the airport so we hardly ever get to see it or the cool stuff thats in it
Good thing we have such hookups and know such a nice BC lol!

One thing about it
This truck is HUGE
I am standing next to the truck touching it and look how massive it is!
I really wanted to get to play with the deck guns but no go  :)
The inside was pretty neat though with all the gadgets and smelled like new fire truck mmmm
At our house we are gearing up for turkey season
My dad gave me a bunch of calls for an early birthday present
Chris had bough a gobbler and a wet box
Our neighbors probably think our house is full of turkeys!
How do we spend our Friday night??
Playing with turkey calls

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