Wednesday, July 31, 2013

210-211 Macee and Sick

Monday my sweet chubby little niece Macee was born! Elysha was 38 weeks with her and her water broke Sunday night. She was scheduled to be induced Monday morning so Macee just got a little jump start on things! She was 8lbs 10oz and 22 inches long! Cant imagine how big she would be if she went to 40 weeks! She is an adorable little chunk with cute cheeks, brown hair and pouty lips! I cant wait to get to see her! She had a hard time when she was born and was on oxygen for a little bit.

 Plus so super conveniently Sunday night/Monday I came down with the flu. I was freaking miserable. I made my day through work. I felt bad but wasn't sure if I was just being wussy.. by the time I got home I had a fever, body aches, chills, bad nausea, headache.. I went to bed and didn't resurface until about noon the next day. I told Chris to just put me down.. It was miserable but thankfully just a 24 hr bug! Tuesday morning I actually stayed home from work and still had the sitter come. They had a big day planned and it gave Kennedy something to do besides fend for herself. Plus Kini bean was scheduled to come down too. It ended up working out great. I slept pretty much all day.. slept til noon, showered, fell asleep on the couch again for an hour or two..
The girls had spa day with Talia
They had facials and got their nails painted. They were running around the house like this
Kennedy also made me this card

Thankfully by Tuesday night I was feeling human again. We went out for dinner at Calls and I didnt even eat my fries if that tells you anything!! After that we had an important date we needed to attend so I was glad to be mostly functioning by then.. you see one of the driving forces of Chris wanting to move to Willard is there was something he wanted to do. At first I was going to let him do it by himself and I wasn't going to participate.. but I couldn't resist! I missed it!! I thought I could get past that part in my life.. that I wouldnt want to go back and do it again now that Im a mom. But I still get that stupid adrenaline rush and excitement when he goes and does it so I might as well play too :) 

We went down Tuesday night and joined Willard Fire Dept 
Woo! ha! I am not sure who is more excited him or I

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