Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 188- Hanging at Grandma and Grandpas and Dinner

Sunday morning after we slept in some we went over to Todd and Janas
We hung out, went to Wal-Mart, Jana made smoothies, Chris cleaned his wheelers, Todd and Kennedy painted duck decoys pretty much just the usual

Then Todd and I started on dinner for the weekly Sunday dinner
This week was steak souvlaki shiskabobs, sweet marinated chicken shishkabobs, corn on the cob, grilled mixed veggies and Mom brought root beer floats
Phil brought a yummy pasta salad and Roy and Kathy brought a sweet jello salad
It was delicious!
Right as we got everything set out the severe storm warning that had been on alert for the last hour and a half FINALLY decided to hit
But all we really got was a nice hard rain for a few minutes
So we pulled all the chairs under the patio and ate there!
You cant tell but its actually pouring rain
It made a double rainbow
I love this Sunday dinner tradition! I look forward to it every week!

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